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Innovun is a business consulting boutique, committed to assisting our clients in generating value by sharing our specific expertise in conducting business.

our services.

Portfolio of services inspired in innovation, with a simple approach and a hands-on spirit.



Assistance in the implementation or updating of the company’s strategic plans in order to keep up with new market realities. The methodology includes, firstly, a quick diagnostic of the company’s current situation through document analysis and interviews with the management team. Then, through a series of workshops with the participation of all areas of the company, a single plan is jointly constructed, consisting of concrete projects to be executed and monitored with easily measurable goals and indicators.

sales team.

Diagnostic of the sales force and identification of areas of improvement. Methodology entails use of document analysis, interviews and gamification. The result is a plan to improve the commercial process in the stages of (i) sales opportunity qualification, (ii) proposal preparation and (iii) contract negotiation. The objectives are to generate a greater degree of accuracy in future revenue forecasts, improve pre-sales cost management, increase “win ratio” (success percentage of proposals submitted to customers), and achieve a balance between the company’s interests and those of its customers, thus generating a “win/win” result (a positive outcome for both parties).


Sales Academy aims at being a transformational agent of the sales force. At its core, it aims at establishing a framework to enhance and maintain up-to-date all company resources focused on increasing sales. Furthermore, in conjunction with a sales team diagnostic, it is possible to make use of the Sales Academy structure to address complementary areas that can contribute to the sales force effectivness and efficiency; examples include the creation of a market intelligence center, the adoption of information management procedures, and the activation of activities to foster integration.


In-person or distance training aimed at sales / pre-sales teams and employees in the finance, purchasing, legal, human resources, logistics and operations departments. For the best retention and use of the investment, each training program aims at creating a “product” to be applied in some functional area of the company, in the form of an analysis, diagnostic, or decision-making tool, a checklist, a manual or a systems project. Training programs include: “Customer Awareness and Sales Plan”, “Value Selling and Persuasion Strategy”, “High Impact Presentations”, “Results-Oriented Leadership”, “Finance for Non-Financial Resources” , amongst others.


Support in contract management, including review and/or support in contract negotiations with customers, suppliers or others. A survey of all contracts is initially conducted along with an assessment of the need to organize them through the use of a database to better cover day-to-day management. Following this step, the company’s most relevant contracts are analyzed and cross-referenced with operational performance indicators and financial data to identify potential areas that need adaptation. The objective is to create a methodology to maximize the financial and operational performance of contracts and minimize their risks.


Review of the company’s end-to-end sales process, starting with the first meetings with a client to ensure a winning proposal up until the final negotiations with the client prior to contract signature. Advice includes guidance, production and negotiation of high-complexity contracts. The company may hire support at any stage of the sales process. Examples of where value can be added include brainstorming ideas that can differentiate the technical and commercial aspects of the proposal and establishing the appropriate financial architecture and business modeling to ensure increased future profitability. In addition to specific interventions, an end-to-end review of the company’s internal bid management structure can be conducted in order to ensure a healthy sales process.



Cash optimization service on both sides of the equation: inflows and outflows. The scope of the activity can cover a broad overview of the company or specific projects and is composed of the planning and operational implementation of initiatives that aim at generating positive and sustainable cash in the short, medium and long term. As a first step, a diagnostic is made to verify the health of the operation’s financial flows, including the mapping of the “order-to-cash” process, starting from the placement of an order by a customer until the effective receipt of cash for the service rendered or product sold. Next, an improvement plan is created focused on internal processes related to accounts receivable/accounts payable, and possible renegotiations of contractual conditions and payment terms with customers and suppliers.

judicial deposits

Mapping, identification and recovery, in whole or in part, of judicial deposits (especially those resulting from labor claims). The work consists of the electronic mapping of all judicial accounts opened based on the company’s tax ID number (CNPJ) and then linking these accounts to each originating law suit, cross-referencing the law suits identified with legal status, and identifying the amounts subject to collection in all closed or archived lawsuits. In 30 days, active and archived law suits are identified, excluding those already identified by the company, and a report is delivered indicating the law suits and their respective collectable amounts without any applicable statute of limitations and with the applicable monetary correction already calculated. The deposit recovery is made directly to the bank account provided by the company.


Current legislation determines that social security contributions should be calculated based on employee wages, but most calculations end up mistakenly considering the overall payroll. The audit consists of reviewing social security contributions based on the S-1010 Table, cross-referencing the internal payroll system for the last 60 months, digital analysis of payroll files, meeting the ancillary obligations provided for by the Receita Federal do Brasil (Brazil’s internal revenue service), and carrying out administrative procedures in order to take advantage of the credit. The service provides for the preparation / linkage of the credit compensation platform (PER/DComp Web) with the electronic tax platform (DCTFWeb), generating the credit form (DARF) and the delivery of a report containing the legal basis and a document detailing all the related calculations. The amounts identified subject to recovery are recovered without any discussion of legality and are credited directly to the bank account provided by the company. As part of the service, an analysis is also conducted identifying social security contribution (FGTS) overpayments made in past periods as part of labor lawsuit settlements.


Advice on tax planning through an electronic tax diagnostic conduted in partnership with a specialized lawtech that uses several proprietary software platforms. The diagnostic consists of importing electronic tax files (SPED) dating back 60 months, crossing the fiscal classification and taxation of these electronic tax files (SPED) with invoices (NFs) extracted as XML files, and analyzing the correct tax classification of each operation resulting from the service type (CNAE) code. The result is an analytical report identifying possible credits due to inconsistencies mapped against the PIS, COFINS, IRPJ, CSLL, IPI, ISS and ICMS tax bases. The process encompasses compliance with all tax reporting obligations and necessary systemic corrections. The service is carried out in a quick and uncomplicated fashion and without a lot of documentation, recovering amounts and reducing costs almost immediately.



Specialization in bridging Cachaça producers in Brazil with international markets, through partnerships with distributors in these markets. Once Cachaça producers with export potential are identified, advice is provided on positioning and approach and an account management model is adopted, connecting distributors under commercial development and monitoring sales performance in these target markets.

niche products

Identification of niche products aimed at the Brazilian market. Once these niche products with import and commercial potential in Brazil are identified, advice is provided on positioning and approach in the domestic market and an account management model is adopted, identifying compatible distributors and monitoring sales performance in the Brazilian market. As part of this model, possible sources of financing for these projects are identified.


military training

Commercial and technological intermediation of shooting simulation platforms for training purposes and the reduction of expenditures with ammunition. Simulation equipment based on laser technology that can be attached and compatible with a wide variety of weapons used by the armed forces and police. Customization and integration with any type of armament. Apart from shooting simulation platforms, other military training systems available, allowing for exercises to be conducted as close as possible to real combat conditions.


Commercial and technological intermediation of defense material for the purposes of defending and monitoring borders. Provision of specialized consultancy with the objective of identifying the correct material for each need and recommending training and maintenance programs for such equipment.


green field

Specialized consultancy for companies looking to invest in Brazil through direct or other investment. Support in the structuring of the company, aiming at the appropriate format for each purpose, from the legal structure and tax framework to the establishment of partnerships and hiring of personnel. Professionals fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French with experience abroad and knowledge of several cultures to provide a bilateral perspective. Acting on an end-to-end basis with the development of a complete Business Plan including timeline and financial indicators.


Provision of business advisory for foreign companies already operating in Brazil. In the event of seeking growth, evaluation of possibilities via organic or inorganic expansion (through acquisitions). In the event of seeking increased profitability, alternative strategies recommended. Professionals fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French with experience abroad and knowledge of several cultures to provide a bilateral perspective. Option to act directly in the management of the company on a temporary basis in the event of restructuring or change in management.



Measurement of the fair value of an asset, business unit, or company, applying the right method according to each specific situation. Possible methodologies include benchmarking, comparison with similar assets to reach fair market value, or discounted cash flow, assessing the potential value generation of an operation throughout its lifetime. Regardless of the methodology, the result is a comprehensive analysis that determines the fair value to be used as reference for negotiations, litigation and/or purchase or sale operations.


Due diligence processes conducted to ensure a more transparent and secure investment operation. On the seller side, by structuring the data room, and on the buyer/investor side, by auditing all available information. Due diligence tasks include analysis of all financial, accounting/fiscal, legal, corporate, labor and environmental aspects of the operation. The report prepared at the end of this detailed analysis will identify potential risks and contingencies recommended to be used during the negotiation and closing of the business deal.



The first step a company needs to take to comply with Brazil’s LGPD is to create awareness. This initial goal is key and is reached through a series of workshops and the creation of a Personal Data Privacy committee. The next step is to run a diagnostic of all personal data held by the company and map its flow since inception. This phase is complemented by legal analysis to identify the legal basis for the treatment of the personal data, which also leads to the creation of a risk analysis and the development of an action plan to reduce identified risks. The compliance task also includes a third-party provider compliance audit, a readjustment of internal processes, a redefinition of company policies, a contract realignment, and the implementation of a privacy-by-design culture for new work fronts.


Implementation of anticorruption program to create clear prevention, detection and response practices. The program is based on a customized analysis of the organization’s risk areas, establishment of policies and procedures adapted to the specific company business, implementation of prevention and control tools, team training using real-life examples, and development of a corporate communications plan.

who we are.

We are a business consulting boutique, committed to assisting our clients in generating value by sharing our specific expertise in conducting business.

We understand that success depends on execution and we are proud in being our client’s trusted operational partner.

our team.


Derek Hughes

  • 30 years of international experience with Nomura Securities, Morgan Stanley and Orange;
  • Strong professional career in development and execution of company growth, recovery and reorganization strategies;
  • Ex-CFO of IT and Telecom companies;
  • Proficient contract negotiator and experienced in intermediating large deals;
  • Actively involved in the intermediation of import/export activity;
  • Masters in Business Administration (MBA) with a minor in Finance and Marketing from New York University’s Stern School of Business, and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Northeastern University;
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese and Spanish / Working knowledge of French.

Luiz Mauro Camargo

  • Telecom Executive – worked at Page Communications (Northrop) in the US and Iran and Cook Electric in Brazil;
  • He founded Camargo Sistemas e Engenharia in Brazil to manufacture and commercialize telecom towers with proprietary technology from tip;
  • For many years he brokered the sale of military equipment Russian to the Brazilian Army and Air Force, especially the surface-to-air missile IGLA S. He also participated in the bids for the fighter Sukhoi Su-35 and the Mi-35M combat helicopter;
  • Military Honors – Military Order of Merit, Collaborator Emeritus of the Army, and Medal of the Peacemaker (highest recognition of the armed forces);
  • Bachelor of Electronic Engineering – Instituto de Tecnologia da Aeronautics (ITA), Master in Electrical Engineering – Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, and Doctorate in Electrical Engineering – New York University;
  • Fluent in Portuguese, English, and basic Spanish/Russian.

Yves Guillaumot

  • Executive with extensive experience and a series of extraordinary results in strategy optimization business and financial performance in companies where he acted;
  • Former CEO and former CFO of multinational companies in the sector IT & Telecom;
  • In-depth knowledge of digital transformation;
  • MBA, focusing on Finance;
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French.
Business Development Advisor

André Skowronski

  • 28 years of experience in Sales and Project Management in Telecom and IT companies, covering the Manufacturing, Financial, Industry, Retail, Automotive, Telecommunications & Energy segments;
  • Results-oriented professional with ability to identify organizational / operational deficiencies and understand how people (whether employees, suppliers, customers, or partners) impact operations with the aim of finding appropriate solutions;
  • Ability to identify market opportunities to maximize revenue growth and manage such initiatives aiming at their realization;
  • Academic background in Economics;
  • Fluent in Portuguese and intermediate English/Spanish.
Legal Advisor

Fernanda Quicoli

  • 20 anos de experiência internacional, tanto em escritórios de advocacia como jurídico in-house, com passagens pela Arthur Andersen, Açúcar Guarani, Philips do Brasil, Orange e Rexam Can;
  • Solid professional trajectory in the elaboration and execution of highly complex negotiations and management business;
  • Knowledge of the IT & Telecom sector, Sugar Industry, Packaging Industry and provision of professional services tax and legal;
  • Degree in Law from PUCCAMP, extension in Economics from UNICAMP, postgraduate degree in Law Civil Procedure from PUC/SP and an MBA in financial management from FGV/RJ;
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

partner ecosystem

In addition to our team, we rely on an ecosystem of partners to bring one-stop-shop / end-to-end solutions to our clients. In so doing, the solutions we offer count with the necessary resources to cover any type of project size while maintaining the excellence we pride ourselves on.

All good performance starts with clear goals.

Ken Blanchard

As a manager you're paid to be uncomfortable. If you're comfortable, it's a sure sign you're doing things wrong.

Peter Drucker

Happiness is positive cash flow.

Fred Adler

Nothing is certain except for death and taxes.

Benjamin Franklin

Well begun is half done.


Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Price is what you pay; value is what you get.

Warren Buffett

The problem itself is not an issue, but how you react to it.

Roberto Setúbal

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

Henry Ford